Metals Trading

What Impact Will Gold ETF Holdings Have on Gold Prices?

At present, the mainstream gold ETFs are mainly formed by trust, which makes investors feel very safe. In the market, gold exchange-traded funds are executed by sponsors, truste

2022-05-04 17:03:52

38206 Times

How to Close a Position in Gold Investment?

Liquidation refers to the behavior of gold investors to settle their positions. The way to settle a position is to hedge the direction of their position. Generally speaking, bot

2022-02-22 17:12:29

37931 Times

How Ordinary Investors Do Gold Investment?

Historical experience tells us that gold is a high-value investment tool with independent resources. When the world economy is in a downturn, gold investment can be regarded as

2022-02-15 18:05:31

37909 Times

What are the Practical Skills of Gold Trading

With the continuous improvement of people's investment awareness, more and more investors choose gold investment, not only because it is easier to make money than other investm

2022-01-26 16:17:46

37970 Times

Precious Metals Trading Chooses Gold or Silver

As precious metals, gold and silver have a lot in common. As a flexible investment product, precious metal trading can ensure the relative safety of investors' funds, so they a

2022-01-17 18:02:41

37755 Times

Gold Investment Better in Long-term or in Short-term?

Is paper gold investment better in the long-term or in the short-term? Paper gold is a kind of personal voucher type gold. Investors buy and sell "virtual" gold on the book ac

2021-11-24 17:44:57

38003 Times

The Impact of Inflation on the Price of Gold

Since ancient times, gold has been a popular investment product. Gold speculation is actually a process of buying up and buying down through changes in the price of gold, and ea

2021-11-12 10:16:48

38075 Times

What Technical Indicators Should You Attention for Precious Metals Investment?

Many investors like to invest in precious metals, and generally choose short-term trading, but some investors lose money in trading, mainly because the short-term market changes

2021-11-09 17:31:19

38315 Times

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